Hello, I'm Bryant!

I'm almost a full-stack developer.


Retrieves a collection of animal gifs. Choose from the provided list or add any of your favorite animals. Click on the image to start and stop the animation.

Train Scheduler

This site provides up-to-date train information based on arrival and departure times. It also includes a minute by minute countdown to train arrival.

Treasure Hunt

This game utilizes Google Maps which provides hidden locations throughout the world. Related clues are provided to as a way to narrow the search, and find the hidden treasure.

LIRI Node App

LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

Burger App

Burger app was built with Node, Express, Handlebars and Sequelize ORM. This app lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat and devour them.


HMWRK_Bot is a slack bot that allows students currently enrolled in the Columbia bootcamp to retrieve data on upcoming assignments.